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With more than a dozen gene types currently in use for marijuana breeding, how do they decide which ones are best?

As discussed in bullet point e, this discussion is going to be longer than just a quick overview, so keep reading!

This discussion will go into more detail about which gene types are most important for different things, including changes in body composition and what effects they might have.

This is not a discussion that can be skipped without serious consequences, as certain gene mutations can have very negative effects on drug tolerance. Some genes even have been officially removed from modern marijuana strains due to sensitivity issues.

This article will discuss some of the genes involved in cannabis breeding, but it will also discuss some of the effects that these genes have on an organism.

Genealogy of cannabis strains

While there are many ways to breed and select strains, the most common genealogies include:

Lineage founded by a marijuana farmer
Historically important strains that have shaped the modern strain diversity

Newer, less important strains that spread through social media or cannabis culture more recently.

Newer genetics typically have a more rapid growth rate and more pronounced margins of undefined strength. This is how newbies find their way into the world of cannabis culture.

Today, new growers typically begin with an accepted lineage as their first plant growout, though some take it a step further by testing the limits of their first plants.

How do scientists determine marijuana genes?

Scientists use a number of techniques to determine how marijuana genes are inherited and how they impact the user. These include genealogical studies, physiognomy tests, phenotypic studies, and genomics.

In genealogical studies, researchers look at who has and does not use a plant species. In some cases, he or she will find a plant that is very special to someone else and that person may have heavily invested in its breeding.

In other cases, such as with modern-day marijuana growers, there may be evidence of previous investments in plants. This can be important information about what genes people were looking for when they bred their plants.

Some research teams even videotape their plants as they grow to check that they are breeding correctly.

What are the different types of marijuana genes?

There are several ways to create marijuana strains. The most common is to breed two or three different plants together to create a new strain.

Another way is to use well-known strains to develop a new strain. Once one is developed, the further modifications are minimal.

Still, there are ways to look at it. Did you ever see that movie Savages? Yeah, that was kind of like how it went for the marijuana world after the success of the CBD (cannabidiol) dominant cannabis drug industry.

What are the effects of each gene type?

There are three main gene types in cannabis:

The familiar THC/CBD gene type found in most modern strains. These genes do not make a cannabis plant look like anything else.

More unusual gene types found in very old strains. These include the classic fiber-producing CBD genes and a rare terpene synthase (TS) gene type that has been linked to a few therapeutic properties.

Of the two CBD genes, one known as CBdh is typically found in old, hardy plants. The other is called CBCd, which has been associated with lighter plants with less fiber.

While both CBdh and CBCd can be desirable traits in plant characteristics such as hardiness and internodes, they are usually selected against when breeding for height and calendar year success respectively.

Which gene types are best for consumption?

There are a wide range of cannabis genes for marijuana, including which genes for cannabis plant sex, DNA sequence variation in the CBD/THC ratio, and whether or not the plant is dioctophytic (a soil type of marijuana).

Some of these variations in genes for marijuana have been studied more than others. This is due to the fact that more expensive sativas have been bred using different gene combinations than cheaper indicas.

As less expensive priced sativas can sometimes not meet the expectations of the consumer, more expensive brands may use better genetic materials to achieve their sativa dominance.

It is important to note that while better genetics can thicknessen or overpowers certain cannabinoids in an edible form, it does not affect how people ingest it. An individual who does not consume orally may still gain side effects from the drug via this route.

Where can I find the right marijuana genetics for me?

There are many ways to breed and select for marijuana, including using standardized samples. As more and more people experiment with different strains and sets, the number of correct mutations grows every day.

Most marijuana growers do not use scientific methods to select plants, but you can still try! By looking into the plants characteristics such as height, texture, smell, and effect, you can determine what plant you want to plant.

Some criteria for breeding plants is being on the same genetic level, being similar in effects, or being accepted by the community. It is hard to change either of these when plants are involved!

There are many ways to find new marijuana genetics so that they are acceptable in the community.

How do I know if the marijuana genetics are good?

How do I know if the marijuana is genetically bred to be good for me? When a breed is first developed, it is selected for certain traits, like short legs in order to make it easier for it to be transported.

These traits may include good looks, tolerance of sunlight, and/or outdoor growth potential. All of these things are important when trying to find a marijuana strain that works for you.

The outdoor potential is why some people use pot. You can go outside and enjoy the sun and whatever cannabis you are looking for, but if you do not have enough exposure to sunlight or have light sensitivity, then this plant does not work for you.

If you have no visible light or weather conditions that would benefit your plant, then do not buy this plant! Look for ones with good air circulation and those who tend to enjoy heat and/or humidity.

What does “indica” or “sativa” mean?

Both strains of cannabis that are known as indica or sativa are made up of plants. However, there are many ways to breed and select a cannabis plant.

In the grow house, breeding involves coming up with new plant combinations to use in conjunction with different soil Amendments, Lighting Systems, Flower Preparation Methods, and Delivery Systems. In the drug world, drug testing programs use specific variables in order to determine which drug substances they are looking for.

Recreational marijuana users may not be test subjects, but they can still influence the breeding process. People who spend a lot of time in cultivation may be more likely to add some cannabinoids and/or psychoactive properties to their plants during growth and after development.

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