Cannabis is a natural plant substance that contains important nutrients and various products that can be used as drugs or non-drug treatments.
Like other plants, cannabis grows in different ways and in seasons. It can be harvested any time of the year, making it an versatile drug.
Because cannabis is so widely used, there are many music genres associated with it. Cannabis-themed songs have become common, which has led to some unexpected collaborations.
Some artists have madeerences between cannabis and music due to the affect it has on people. For example, musical notes can be used as a way to signify the effect of the drug.
This article will discuss how cannabis and music are related, what effects they have on people and music styles they influence, and some surprise musical collaborations between the two substances.
Marijuana and blues
While cannabis has always been linked to music, recent interest in music as a drug of expression has increased in importance.
Interviews with marijuana stars like Bob Marley and contemporary artists like Kanye West have increased public awareness of marijuana as an iconical drug.
This increase in attention is due in part to the success of contemporary artists like Kanye West who have used cannabis as a motif for their work.
Traditional blues is infused with cannabis, so many listeners find it easy to understand why cannabis makes great songwriting material. Some even say it inspired them to create music themselves.
Blues songs can contain references to drugs, which cannabis enthusiasts say makes them more artistic than others because they are not forced to put down the bud before listening to them. This adds more flair to the songs.
Marijuana and jazz
Jazz is a major cultural influence in California, and not just because many of the state’s largest cannabis clubs feature jazz as their soundtrack.
The California Cannabis Club, one of the largest cannabis clubs in the country, features jazz as its theme song. The club also sponsors an annual music festival where musicians perform at various cannabis events throughout the year.
In fact, June is Music Month at the California Cannabis Club, which they use to draw new members and highlight important music figures such as Johnny Green Jr., who is a regular at their events.
Another notable figure who appears at marijuana events is Dr. Peter Breggin, a well-known anti-drug activist who advocates against marijuana use. He believes that using pot leads to other drugs and negative effects on relationships and family life.
Marijuana and rock and roll
While there are still a few bigoted people out there who refuse to listen to or accept cannabis as music, more and more people are being exposed to it for the first time through rock and roll.
Many famous musicians have embraced cannabis as a way to relax, though not always in the ways they would expect. Some have even used it as a form of spirituality.
While some artists have made no mention of cannabis, other artists have made positive references to cannabis. Many of these references come through song titles and/or soundtracks for films and TV shows.
Marijuana and rap
There has been a lot of marijuana and rap culture overlap for a while now. Both drugs and music have an impact on drug addiction treatment programs, as many use the genre as an escape.
In 2014, California became the first state to legalize recreational marijuana. Since then, cannabis culture has grown and continued to splice together both worlds.
There are many talented rappers who have used cannabis as a way to get their message out, such as K-Ci & Jojo of 3T, who released an album titled Turntable Trapzian in 2015. There are also many non-rap artists who have made successful careers off of cannabis songs, such as Didi Toro of The Rugged North who had a song titled Good Times that topped Billboard’s Trending Chart in 2017.
Hopefully future generations will continue the legacy of these artists by spreading their messages through music.
The link between cannabis and music is as old as cannabis itself
Cannabis is considered to be one of the most important crops of the Earth. Cannabis has several uses, some legal and some not, that include meals, anxiety relief, sleep aid, and music.
Many musicians have used cannabis as a inspiration and/or reference for their work. Many famous people have also used cannabis as a source of inspiration for their work.
Budweiser was named after the German cannabis strain Bud-weiss, which is named after the shade it takes when grown. The song A Bud Story by The Strokes is about using cannabis as inspiration for music.
A Canadian musician named Justin Bieber has been cited as using marijuana to inspire his music. He cited wanting to become an artist as being how he achieved this and he uses strains such as CBD One to help with his creation.
Cannabis was widely used in the blues culture
Early on in California’s cannabis culture, in the 1970s and 1980s, bands such as The Grateful Dead and The Doors played marijuana-themed shows to enthusiastic audiences.
These days, you would be hard-pressed to find a cannabis-themed music event without featuring one of these iconic groups.
Many of these groups have joined together to create cannabis music events around the state, attracting large crowds of fans. Recent events have included a concert by Korn and an episode of television series The Sriracha Show where musicians battle it out in an anonymous pot smoke-out.
The events are a way for musicians to gain exposure and are a way for listeners to learn more about them since no performer is known without their cannabis use.
Jazz legends and cannabis
cannabist and jazz are not normally associated, but that does not mean cannabis jazz does not exist. Cannabis jazz is the use of cannabis in music, whether by the musician or listener.
Rock icons and weed
They say there is a certain look you go for when you decide to start wearing weed clothing. It’s not a fashion statement, it’s a necessity! With so many cannabis brands out in the market, it can be hard to find one that looks like you-now-what!
Wearing a large, bright marijuana leaf on your shirt or jacket is one way to go. You can also choose a more traditional black or grey weed clothing, or even bright red and yellow.
Some people even wearThey say if you want long hair, then get high. If you want clothes that smell like weed, get some underwear that says “Weed” on them.